
Contemplate. Inspire. Renew



Participants will explore their own self-awareness and wellness, then learn and practice strategies to support each other in positive ways. After learning and practicing, your staff will be able to use those attitudes, perspectives and skills to better support each other and serve students. Administrators, faculty and staff will leave the session with 5 suggestions, specific learning about each one and why they work!


After working with educators in a variety of school settings during the past four decades, it has been increasingly clear that those schools with supportive, caring and collaborative adults are able to foster a much more positive work space for staff, and a better and more productive learning environment for students. Compassion, trust, positive communication with each other and true collaboration all contribute to a move positive working and learning environment.


This session is geared toward all administrators, faculty and staff in a school district at the beginning of the year. It can last anywhere from one (1) hour to three (3) hours, depending on the level of engagement you are interested in, and the time you have in your opening day celebrations. We can work in any space and do not need additional breakout rooms, as interaction will take place throughout the general session. It is preferable, but not necessary to have a space with the ability to show slides and videos.

For more information Contact Patty Corum, LLC or email to